What does "product under development" mean?

We continue to work on the digital platform: we add many different features and cooperation with professionals. At the product development stage, you can buy the initial version of the product for a low price one-time payment, instead of the monthly subscription that we plan to add in the future.

What is this different with a common photo and video archive?

First of all, we offer categories and topics, in order not to simply add files, but to also describe your emotions and impressions about this event. Also you can not only store files, but record audio directly in the application: just choose a suitable topic in our journey and tell us about your thoughts and emotions.







What practice is regulated through your customization?

In the second release of the product, we will add the ability to collaborate with top-notch resources: biographers, photo and video specialists, professional genealogists who will help you find information about your predictions in the archives.

How many family members can be added to the family tree?

In product development - up to 30. We plan to increase this number in the second release of the project







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